Thursday, October 15, 2009

Overheard Conversation

This was my first Interpretive Illustration assignment of the year. We were to illustrate three or four lines from an overheard conversation. It sounded easy, but it really wasn't. I had a lot of fun with this project, though.

I chose to illustrate a conversation between a couple of H&M employees who were setting up a mannequin.

"She's not co-operating."
"Do her legs come off?"
"They're not really attached right now."
"What are you doing to this girl?"

From this conversation Silent Hill immediately came to my mind, and since I rarely illustrate in this kind of creepy/disturbing style, I really wanted to try my hand at it. I think it's strange how the majority of my work is the exact opposite of this style, and yet I love it so much, haha. I want to explore a darker style further.

Lost Memory
Acrylic & ink on BFK Rives, 8" x 10"

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